Welcome to JEOresearch.

Let's change the world together.

Current Goals and Priorities: 

1) Build scalable educational interfaces to reduce the disparities that lead to international conflict. 

2) Develop safe and beneficial artificial general intelligence for digital life forms.

3) Improve understanding and transparency between nations, institutions, and people. 

Bio:  My name is Jason and I am currently a professor at Augusta University and adjunct faculty at Osaka University, with research topics such as augmented reality, visualization, and artificial intelligence. Some of my research goals include improving the safety and usability of AR, promoting cross-functional and interdisciplinary research efforts, better understanding the human brain and its relationship with machines, and improving the development of AI. I was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship for research on intelligent AR from 2015 - 2017,  by the U.S. Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) for my work on Vision Enhancement From 2017 - 2021, and again by JSPS for my work on Cognitive Symbiosis for 2021 - 2025.

Dr. Jason Orlosky

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Useful Research:

An Open Source Eye Tracker for Python  |  GitHub  |  Video 

Fast Selection with Eye Tracking for AR/VR/MR  |  PaperGitHub  |  Video 

3D Gaze Tracker  |  PaperGitHub  |  Video 

Fast Gaze-based Window Switching  GitHub  |  Video 

Eye-tracked Simulation of Visual Deficits in VR  |  Paper  |  Video 

An Interface to Simulate and Assist with Macular Degeneration  |  Paper  |  Video 

Gaze-based Rotation ControlPaper  |  Video 

Vertigo Simulation (BPPV) |   Video 


Head mounted display prototypes for augmented and mixed reality

Interaction, content management, and XR interfaces

Integration of artificial intelligence with XR and visualization

Agents that resonate with the user's cognitive state